New housing will put GPs and schools already at ‘breaking point’ under more pressure
Lewes MP James MacCleary has urged the government to improve roads, healthcare, and schools before approving large-scale housing developments in Sussex.
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Lewes MP James MacCleary has urged the government to improve roads, healthcare, and schools before approving large-scale housing developments in Sussex.
A 15-year-old was the youngest driver arrested during Sussex Police’s winter drink/drug-drive campaign.
New parking restrictions are set to come into force in Hastings and St Leonards.
Brighton is set for another fantastic Pride as they announce their headlining acts.
A Sussex hamlet offers a picturesque and serene winter walk.
Five more Housing Ombudsman judgements went against Arun District Council at the end of last year.
Amy Jones of Byron Road, Worthing, was arrested and charged with 10 counts of theft and 10 counts of breaching her CBO between January 5 and February 14
Tesco has launched a new range of hot cross buns just in time for Easter - so we thought we'd give them a try and pick our favourite.
Plans for a campsite on the shores of Bewl Water have been approved by the planning inspector.
A Brighton bubble tea and dessert store has been forced to close - and is asking the public to help them reopen